Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Eleven weeks ago, my life changed forever: my baby girl was born.

I've been meaning to sit down and write about her birth for, well, eleven weeks. But something strange happens when you have a baby: you suddenly have no time for yourself!

...This was a draft that I started in December. It has now been nearly TWENTY-THREE weeks since the birth of my sweet daughter. And this is proof that I really do have very little time for myself.

For the past fourteen months, my life has revolved around the life of another. Pregnancy, preparation, childbirth, recovery, and parenting have been the frontrunners of my responsibilities and consciousness. But it is a goal of mine to make time for myself and my dreams and interests, as well, especially as I approach six months post-partum. And part of that will be returning to writing on a (more) regular basis. On a scale of most successfully reincorporated activities to least, I've also been attempting to make more time for:

  • cooking & baking
  • reading for pleasure
  • crafting
  • massage
  • exercise
  • studying language
  • traveling
  • re-re-relearning guitar & ukulele
As I return to my writing, I'd love to use this platform as a place to share some insight on my new maternal interests, such as birth, breastfeeding, infant development, and parenthood. I'm no expert, of course, but in this village of motherhood, I hope I can share my voice.

Until next time (and here's hoping next time is not another year's hiatus),

Mama Meghan