Monday, June 11, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane...!

Yesterday, Tony and I went to Kennywood with his brother Jake and his girlfriend Kacie.  I haven't been to Kennywood since high school, and it was the first thing that we got to check off our bucket list!

In the spirit of trying new things, I went on four rides I'd never experienced before:  Noah's Arc (a classic, apparently), Ghostwood Estate (pretty lame, especially because my laser gun didn't even work!), Sky Rocket (a new coaster that was installed last year - it goes from 0 to 50 in under three seconds, shooting up into the sky!), and the Sky Coaster (the frighteningly tall tower/bungee system at the center of the park, surrounded by the lagoon - this ride is supposed to simulate flying, and it costs extra money to ride).

Wow, was the Sky Coaster an experience.  I'd never ridden it before for fear of heights and excessive money spending, but I'm learning to overcome my fears and to see that spending money is okay sometimes, especially when it comes to creating a life-long memory like this.

Tony and I are both terrified of heights, so we were apprehensive to go up so high on a couple of wires and be dropped to the ground, but it was awesome!  I pulled the cord when we got to the top, and after a couple of seconds of weightlessness, we came swinging past the ground, arcing back and forth for a few exhilarating moments.  We got silly and excited, pretending we were superheroes, proclaiming our love for one another, and just screaming our heads off while flying over the park.  

Other than my harness slipping up from my knees to my hips, causing my feet to hang precariously below me instead of being straight like a board, the ride went well.  When we finally came down from the sky, I asked the attendant why my feet were beneath me, and she told me that someone had put me into a harness that didn't fit. Great news.

Next step:  Sky diving.
We're becoming a pair of adrenaline junkies.

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