Sunday, August 19, 2012


This morning, Rachael and I got up, had some breakfast, and got the heck across the street to church!!  There's a Catholic church right across the street from my house, and we probably only went there because it's close, not because it's Catholic.  Rachael said she had never been to a Catholic mass before, only Catholic weddings.  There's so much that doesn't fit me about Catholicism.  It's such a strict, dogmatic religion to me.  It never seems like a personal relationship with God; but some people prefer it that way, I guess.

However, this mass was so great!  I'm so glad that we finally went this week, because we've been here a month and have been planning to but only did it today for the first time.  I sometimes have a rough time here, with loneliness and homesickness... But it's gotten better.  I've been praying a lot and I will definitely be getting more involved in volunteer work, church etc. while I'm here.

This Catholic mass was so interesting to me because it seemed so relaxed compared to the masses I've been to (which aren't many, I admit, but there seems to be a trend).  The priest makes jokes and there is a mini praise band with an acoustic guitarist!  Never have I ever associated "guitar" with "Catholic mass," but I was into it.  The people seemed so happy to be there, whereas I'm used to somber faces in mass.  It was overall a great experience.

Rachael and I were nervous about the communion part; I have never taken communion before since I'm not confirmed.  She has taken it at her Presbyterian church.  I was planning to just remain seated during that part of the service, but she wanted to participate.  I told her that it wasn't right, it's not allowed... But she said something I couldn't argue with: that God doesn't discriminate with things like that, that this kind of worship is for everyone, not just those who were raised Catholic.

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